Refunds and Cancellations

Change of Dates

Please note that change of date is subject to availability. While we will try our best to change your reservation dates if requested, we can only offer a date change based on availability.

Refunds and Cancellations

Please note that you may cancel your booking for free upto 7 days before your check in date. We will issue a refund during the free cancellation period. However no refunds will be issued in case of bookings that fall in the peak season or after the free cancellation period has ended

How do refunds work

In case of payments made via credit/debit cards, UPI, or digital wallets your refunds will be processed by our bank within 2-4 business days. Please note that we cannot issue refunds via UPI or digital wallets and you might be asked to share your bank details for us to process your refund. Refunds will be processed after government taxes have been deducted. Please note that there is a 5% processing fee for such payments.

Peak Season Tariff and Refunds

Please note that any reservations that fall in the peak season between November 25 to January 10th are non refundable. Any payments made with regards to peak season bookings are non-refundable.Please note that all financial guidelines and tax related laws are governed by local state jurisdiction and may change as state tax policies change.

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